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Sub Inspector Suspended for Mishandling Raided Gambling Den Funds

The Negombo Assistant Superintendent of Police took action on Tuesday (3) by suspending the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the anti-corruption division at Negombo Police Station for fraudulent misappropriation of confiscated funds during a recent gambling house raid.
Sub Inspector Suspended for Mishandling Raided Gambling Den Funds

The Negombo Assistant Superintendent of Police took action on Tuesday (3) by suspending the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the anti-corruption division at Negombo Police Station for fraudulent misappropriation of confiscated funds during a recent gambling house raid.

The Sub Inspector (SI) has been suspended from duty. A team of anti-corruption officers, including the SI, conducted a raid on a gambling establishment situated on Peter Mendis Road, Kudapaduwa, Negombo, last Sunday (1).

During the operation, the police apprehended six individuals engaged in gambling activities with Rs. 440,000 in their possession. However, it has come to light that only Rs. 96,500 of that money was officially recorded, and the remaining Rs. 343,500 went missing under suspicious circumstances.

Additionally, it was discovered that Rs. 420,000 belonging to a suspect arrested at the gambling den but not presented to the police was also unaccounted for. The SI's suspension is a result of these alleged misconducts, as confirmed by a senior police official.

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Arnold Singh
Arnold Singh
Oct 13, 2023

This case highlights the importance of integrity and accountability in law enforcement agencies. The suspension of the officer in charge of the Anti-Corruption Division is an important step towards a proper investigation to address the alleged misconduct. Confidence in the police is critical to the public, especially in relation to actions aimed at combating illegal behavior's. We hope this article serves as a reminder to all law enforcement officers to maintain integrity and professionalism in their duties.

Camilla Lee
Camilla Lee
Oct 14, 2023
Replying to

That's true everybody responsible should be held accountable even though they have a badge . Kudos to the government for this one !


Oct 13, 2023

It's disheartening to hear about misconduct within law enforcement. The suspension of the OIC and SI highlights the importance of maintaining integrity and accountability in the police force. Cases like these erode public trust, and it's crucial that such incidents are thoroughly investigated and addressed. Upholding the principles of transparency and justice is paramount.☹️

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