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Customizing Responsible Gambling Messages: A Review and Focus Group Analysis of Strategies

Responsible gambling messages are commonly employed to empower informed choices and promote responsible gambling behavior. It is acknowledged that gamblers possess varying levels of risk for developing gambling-related issues and thus, necessitate a range of harm reduction tools and resources.
Responsible gambling messages are commonly employed to empower informed choices and promote responsible gambling behavior. It is acknowledged that gamblers possess varying levels of risk for developing gambling-related issues and thus, necessitate a range of harm reduction tools and resources.

Background: Responsible gambling messages are used to help people make informed choices and gamble responsibly. Different gamblers have different levels of risk, so it's important to customize these messages to target specific groups. This project aimed to understand the differences between groups of gamblers and get feedback on tailored messages to encourage the use of responsible gambling tools.

Methods: We conducted focus groups to test messages for specific groups: young adults (18–24 years), seniors (60+ years), frequent gamblers (weekly), and skill-based game players (like poker and sports betting).

Results: Each group had different preferences and reactions to the messages. Seniors liked messages about setting limits, while young adults and frequent gamblers responded to messages about their own play and expertise. Skill game players were interested in the odds of winning and their own results over time. However, all groups agreed that using positive and non-judgmental language in the messages is crucial.

Conclusions: This research shows that the wording of message content can impact how effective they are, depending on the group of gamblers. It provides guidance for public health marketers on the themes to use in these messages to engage gamblers in harm reduction tools.

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Kim Woojin
Kim Woojin

Wow! the study looked at different groups of gamblers to find effective ways to promote responsible gambling. Seniors, young adults, frequent gamblers, and skill game players responded best to different types of messages, with skill game players being most interested in odds and results over time. It was important for messages to be delivered positively and without judgment, as all groups valued this approach. The research offers valuable insights for promoting responsible gambling.

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