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A study conducted by Denmark's regulatory authority reveals that 15% of individuals aged 15 to 17 engage in illegal gambling.

The Danish Gambling Authority, Spillemyndigheden, has released findings from a study examining local gambling behaviors, indicating that 15% of Danish teenagers aged 15-17 have participated in online gambling.

The data, collected between November 24, 2022, and January 15, 2023, involved 30,070 randomly selected Danes aged 15 and above, with 7,637 individual responses. The survey aimed to identify the prevalence of online gambling, demographics of participants, engagement in unlicensed gambling sites, and the motivations behind choosing these platforms.

Key Study Highlights:

  1. 21.7% of respondents engaged in online gambling in the past year.

  2. The average spending on online gambling was DKK 6,500.

  3. 15% of minors aged 15 to 17 participated in online gambling in the last year.

  4. 3.8% of respondents utilized illegal online gambling websites.

  5. 8.6% of gamblers were uncertain about the licensing status of the sites they used.

Most Popular Forms of Gambling:

  • Lotteries and scratch cards: 13.4%

  • Sports Betting: 8.7%

  • Online casinos: 4.1%

  • Skins betting: 0.7%

  • Other forms of gambling: 1.6%

Most Popular Forms of Unlicensed Gambling:

  • Online casinos: 43.4%

  • Sports betting: 36%

  • Skins betting: 34.2%

  • Lotteries and scratch cards: 12.4%

  • Other types of gambling: 8.2%

Reasons for Gambling on Licensed Sites:

  • Better control and supervision: 57%

  • Reliability and responsibility of the site: 48%

  • The site being in Danish: 45%

  • Site’s contribution to Danish taxes: 29%

  • Safeguards against problem gambling: 16%

  • Better self-exclusion options: 9%

Reasons for Gambling on Unlicensed Sites:

  • Availability of unique game types: 37%

  • Belief in higher paybacks and winnings: 32%

  • Larger bonuses: 26%

  • Exclusion from licensed sites through the ROFUS: 23%

  • Being under 18: 21%

  • No need for identification: 17%

  • Better or different payment options: 19%

In response to this data, Spillemyndigheden initiated a nationwide campaign in December of the previous year to educate individuals under 18 about the risks associated with gambling. The campaign was driven by insights derived from the recently published study.

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Thanks for sharing these statistics, it's concerning to see the prevalence of online gambling among Danish teenagers. The efforts by Spillemyndigheden to address this issue through education campaigns are commendable. Continued focus on educating individuals about the risks and promoting responsible gambling practices is crucial.


Thank you for sharing this information. It's concerning to see that 15% of Danish teenagers aged 15-17 have participated in online gambling. The findings highlight the importance of implementing effective measures to protect vulnerable demographics and regulate online gambling platforms.🤗


Feb 09

This data from Spillemyndigheden sheds crucial light on the landscape of gambling behaviors in Denmark, and I truly appreciate the depth of analysis provided. It's heartening to see efforts being made to understand and address the challenges, particularly regarding underage gambling and the prevalence of unlicensed sites. The proactive measures taken by Spillemyndigheden to educate young individuals about the risks associated with gambling demonstrate a commendable commitment to fostering responsible gambling practices within the community.😍


Rated 3 out of 5 stars.

Given the study's results, it is worrisome that 15% of teenagers between the ages of 15 and 17 are involved in online gambling. This underscores the need for continuous efforts to monitor and address the impact of online gambling on various age groups, particularly minors. It highlights the necessity to adapt regulatory and educational initiatives continually.


Lory Wan
Lory Wan
Jan 26
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for providing these results. I like to play casino games occasionally, so it's interesting to see the statistics. It's important for players like me to be aware of the hazards and keep up with the industry. The statistics supports the need for responsible gaming, and I'm happy to see initiatives like the national campaign that address the hazards, especially for those under the age of 18. Personally, I think it's critical to set limitations and strike a balance between the real world and the casino industry.🙂😇

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